


We've often seen internal corrosion and degradation of shims in shocks and forks, leading to a decline in performance and functionality. Many people ask how this is possible when there's...


We've often seen internal corrosion and degradation of shims in shocks and forks, leading to a decline in performance and functionality. Many people ask how this is possible when there's...

ABSA Cape Epic and MSM products

ABSA Cape Epic and MSM products

Another edition of the most prestigious stage MTB race in the world, Cape Epic, has ended! We headed to South Africa as mechanic support for 3 teams, leveraging our experience...

ABSA Cape Epic and MSM products

Another edition of the most prestigious stage MTB race in the world, Cape Epic, has ended! We headed to South Africa as mechanic support for 3 teams, leveraging our experience...

Shampoos and other cycling cosmetics; Yes or No?

Shampoos and other cycling cosmetics; Yes or No?

Shampoos and other cycling cosmetics; Yes or No?Our answer is NO!Briefly, we'll explain why our response is negative when it comes to degreasing and washing bike products. The reason is...

Shampoos and other cycling cosmetics; Yes or No?

Shampoos and other cycling cosmetics; Yes or No?Our answer is NO!Briefly, we'll explain why our response is negative when it comes to degreasing and washing bike products. The reason is...

Let's talk again about suspensions

Let's talk again about suspensions

Let's talk again about suspensions, specifically setting up and tuning them for world-class racing, with benefits for recreational riders as well. Recently, we concluded our first training camp in South...

Let's talk again about suspensions

Let's talk again about suspensions, specifically setting up and tuning them for world-class racing, with benefits for recreational riders as well. Recently, we concluded our first training camp in South...

KMC Ridley MTB racing team

KMC Ridley MTB racing team

January means a lot of work for us regarding the World Cup Team. It's typically reserved for team presentations, showcasing new gear and sponsors, equipment testing, and preparation for the...

KMC Ridley MTB racing team

January means a lot of work for us regarding the World Cup Team. It's typically reserved for team presentations, showcasing new gear and sponsors, equipment testing, and preparation for the...

MSM chain lube - it's time to take a look at our chain lube

MSM chain lube - it's time to take a look at ou...

MSM chain lube, what exactly is it and what do we consider special about it? To start, MSM chain lube was developed after more than two years of testing, research,...

MSM chain lube - it's time to take a look at ou...

MSM chain lube, what exactly is it and what do we consider special about it? To start, MSM chain lube was developed after more than two years of testing, research,...